Wood Bouquet
Wood Bouquet
Step into the morning fog of a misty forest with this gentle and woodsy blend of florals, airy birch wood, and haughty cedar bows. The seductive perfume of fresh woods dance in unison with quiet blooms for a nature inspired fragrance that lightens the mood in any room you choose.
Made using a high concentration of the highest quality fragrance oils and a blend of soy and paraffin wax. One box of fragrance lasts approximately 60 hours. Safe, clean melting. Soot-free. 56gm. Box.
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How To Use
How To Use
Choose your selection of fragrance chips, and pop these into the glass tray in your warmer. We recommend using 12 wax chips for maximum fragrance. Feel free to dial back if you prefer a subtler scent. When your warmer is switched on, this will heat the glass tray and melt the wax chips. You will have approximately 60 hours of aroma time with your 12 wax melts.